2-13-25: 4 dreams in one holy shit

First, I had two TVs in the living room, and there was a door leading outside to a pool. My mom was sitting with the laptop next to me. Someone I don't know jumped in the pool from the living room and the splash made a wave so big it got inside damaging all the electronics.

Next I dreamt Becauseimmissy (this one youtuber who is always parodying baby announcement videos in increasingly stupid ways) decided to become a mommy vlogger for real and I was one of her children. I was forced to eat strange brightly colored casseroles with miscellaneous ingredients for the rest of eternity. This is really strange because I'm way too old to be her child.

Next, I was stuck in my sleeping position but it was late at night and I kept seeing strange shadows crawling through the ceiling and animals (and at some point, some random child) crawling over me in my bed, with complete disregard for me being there. I tried to scream but no words came out.

Then, I was on a road trip on my way to the beach with my old college classmates, my old high school classmates and also my friend Terry. The bus was bright orange on the inside and the seats were bright purple. The people driving the bus were two gay men dressed in extravagant brightly colored hot pink and purple leather with rhinestones. We got in our seats, I was gonna sit next to Terry but I got worried about seeming too clingy, so I let someone else sit next to him and I sat in the row behind, alongside this one girl from college.