1-10-24: got so high i started headlining lollapalooza

I had just gotten out of bed at 4 pm and went looking for my mom. She was in her room looking all distressed because she had to get her passport taken again because apparently her college diploma had expired. (In this dream college degrees do expire and they're relevant documentation for when you want to get your passport apparently)

Anyway I decided I was going to shower and I realized I had no shampoo left. I went to my mom's bathroom to borrow some shampoo and her bathroom was also not working. Apparently a connecting tube on the sink had burst open since that morning and I apologized for having woken up in the afternoon. I went to my bathroom to take a shower without washing my hair. I showered fully clothed but my clothes didn't get wet.

When I got out my mom was moving my bed because she was going to paint my room. I sat in the middle of it while she painted and suddenly things started shifting. I was not in my room anymore. I was on stage at some outdoor music festival. And I was not me anymore either, I was Chris Cornell. A teenage girl approached the stage saying she loved me and I told her the other members of Soundgarden were cool too. The girl spoke spanish with a Mexican accent. I looked over and the girl's mom was waving at me, apparently surprised that I was able to understand spanish.

I turned around to look at who else was onstage but instead I was me again and I was still sitting in my room while my mom painted the walls. The new paint wasn't sticking to the wall and was instead washing out the old orange paint and revealing the previous layer of gray paint that used to be there. I was really sad and kept telling my mom that it wasn't working but she kept on painting the room.

At some point the garbage truck came and we had to take out the trash so I hurried downstairs. After taking out the trash I noticed a set of miniature objects and dollhouse furniture on the dining table and took it for myself. I didn't know who it belonged to but it was mine now. I went upstairs and the girl from the Soundgarden concert was standing menacingly in my room. She didn't say anything but she had my phone in her hand and she gave it to me. When I went to check Tumblr all my posts from before 2019 were gone and all that remained were the posts from december 2018 and earlier. I just stared at her.