2-27-23: another weird day in college

I was traveling around the city with my grandparents and I was apparently filming our whole road trip even though it was nothing special. We stopped at one of my high school friend's houses and I stayed there for a while. The walls of this house were yellow. After realizing I was so close to my college campus, I asked my friend if he studied there. He said no but I was really insisting he said yes. He didn't budge though. I left for class and our professor made us stand in the sun so we could tell her who was more sensitive to it. Some guys made a comment about the sun being a drag queen.

After that was done I exited campus and went on a quest find the best cafe/bakery close to my college. I entered this one cafe and grabbed a big milk carton and started drinking from it with a straw. One of the managers told me I was allowed to do that because the mayor had put his face on the milk cartons and everyone hated him so much we were encouraged to drink the milk cartons in the most disrespectful way possible and without paying.

After that, I went back to class and we were planning a trip. I decided to sign up because it sounded fun. after that I played on a picrew and talked about Star Trek with with some people. I asked this guy if there were any vulcans nearby and he said no. I said "well there should be" and left.