2-24-22: trigger warning for bombings
For some reason, my neighborhood was being bombed. I was rightfully freaking out, and my mom tried to calm me down by talking about Undertale. I thought this was weird because she doesn't even know what Undertale is. She just shrugged and kept talking for hours.
After a few hours, I went outside and everything was back to normal, but the streets were bright pink, and instead of being in a lame suburb on the outskirts of town, we were in the middle of the big city. Suddenly the dream had a big tonal shift. The dream now felt like I was a side character in a romcom.
I was suddenly back in high school, but the building looked like a weird mashup of my college campus and my high school building. They Might Be Giants kept playing in the background, specifically the song "She's An Angel". There was this girl who I didn't know walking around the halls while she hummed along to the song. I asked her if she liked TMBG, and she admitted she had never heard of TMBG before.
After I woke up, I told my friends about this, and one of them said I probably died in the dream. I'm inclined to agree.