5-18-23: the bootleg croc caper

I got tricked into spending $3000 on bootleg crocs.

It was weird though, because someone handed me the crocs with no explanation and left, and the mere act of holding them apparently drained $3000 out of my bank account. I don't think I've even had that amount of money on my account ever. In this dream I had a sister who yelled at me for being scammed. A SWAT team came for me for some reason.

Also George Takei was there? He wasn't doing anything, he was just chilling, but he was there for some reason.

We had a new house too, and I ran super fast up the stairs because my sister was chasing me. She was furious about my spending habits and I was prepared to lock myself in the bathroom but the door wouldn't open. And suddenly I couldn't move my legs, and then I woke up and it took me like 5 minutes just laying down there before my legs started to move. It was very weird. I don't even like crocs.