12-29-24: clothing time

I had to go to this one big house in the neighborhood because they tailored clothes. The house doesn't exist in real life, but it was very big with a huge wraparound porch. It was painted white and had dark wood accents, fences and matching dark brown metal beams. I walked up to the front porch at the same time the owners of the house were pulling up to their driveway, and they saw me and got angry at me for showing up, and even though I apologized they kept yelling at me so I left.

As I was walking back home I saw this girl I met on the bus months ago walking with her friends, I said hi to her and we ended up hanging out a bit. She ditched her friends, and I felt a little bad but she didn't say anything about it.

She ended up giving me a couple old pieces of clothing: a plain white tank top, a yellow turtleneck sleeveless top that looked like one I own, and a 90s dark blue sweater with an orange and brown stripe across the chest and the Chevrolet logo.

The rest of the dream was different, but it kinda tied into the dream I was having because I was wearing the Chevrolet sweater. I was trying to prevent my mom from using the TV until the end of the day for some reason. It finally became nighttime and I guess I just went upstairs. At that point I woke up.