11-10-22: quest for plantains
I got sent to this specific place in my town to buy some plantains and a head of garlic. When I got there I reached for the cashier but she didn't do anything as I grabbed her shoulder, and I told myself out loud "Stop doing this. This is not a thing normal people do". I grabbed a bag and started looking for the stuff I was supposed to buy and when I was done I went to checkout again.
I had forgotten my wallet but still had a card somehow. The cashier asked me which bank was my card from, which confused me because it very clearly was this one bank everyone knew. She told me "ugh it's just that at this store this bank's name changes every time. Today it's like 'bank of the knights and the soldiers' or something" and I was like "No wtf it's not" but she still rung me up.
I went outside to the bus stop and my aunt was there. I was like "hey I forgot my wallet can I borrow five bucks" and she gave me a weird gold plated voucher of sorts and crossed the street without saying a word.
I also saw a couple people from class who all asked me why I didn't just walk home, "It's a 5 minute drive after all". I told them it's almost an hour long walk. They asked me how I even got there then and I just shrugged because I genuinely didn't remember. They shrugged and offered me a cigarette. At that point I got uncomfortable and walked away. I don't remember what else happened after that.