11-14-23: sometimes i don't know what to title these

I was watching a They Might Be Giants interview where the interviewer told John Linnell he had a big head and he cried. Then I started playing this weird game on the computer where I had to disable a bunch of hidden microphones and cameras. One of the cameras was on a necklace a sleeping character was wearing and for some reason the way to disable that one was to spill soup on them. I was about to do that when my mom called me because we were going to my sewing class but I wasn't actually going to class, I was just going to use the space to sew my stuff alone and in peace.

For some reason the only changing rooms were in the thrift store nearby so every time I had to try on something I was sewing I had to walk across the mall to go to the thrift store. While in there I saw they had a gazillion copies of the Raimi Spider-man movies all bundled together and one of the packs even came bundled with a DVD player. I lifted that one and I found a cartridge for The Sims 2 GBA underneath.

I was about to go get it when I was called into the sewing studio again because we had to go home. I went across the mall again still wearing what I was in the process of sewing and I don't know who the fuck let me go across the mall like that because the half finished sewing project was falling out and people could see my boobs. Anyway I finally made it back into the studio and we were told we were leaving bc it was my grandma's birthday.

I was checking Pinterest while in the car and under ever single pin there was a comment by someone named "im [NAME] and i will burn you" (the name always changed) leaving comments about how the subject of the picture was their spouse in real life and would sue whoever posted them to Pinterest and how they'd come to their house to burn it down. These comments were even in pictures of furniture and other inanimate objects so I think it was a bot. Then I started remembering someone I knew in high school who would do something like that and it snapped me out of the dream.