short dreams!

Dreams that I remember but are too short to have their own pages.

2-17-25: There's this one drawing on Pinterest that haunts me. Like it's always there whenever I do a specific search and its always like a jumpscare. Anyway, I had a dream where I figured out who drew it. I traced its source to a geocities site archived on the wayback machine, where it said it was AI generated in 1998. Somehow. This drawing is undeniably human drawn, but you know how dream logic is. I also encountered them face to face on the street but I didn't know what to say to them so I just froze in place.

1-11-25: I wanted to buy a magazine and I was struggling to find exactly US$3.10 in cash, I searched all over for a dime but couldn't find any.

12-30-24: j-hope from BTS came over to my house in a black minivan to help me carry groceries back home and beat a level in the BTS videogame my mom has on her phone. He failed the level.

12-28-24: I got gifted a giant cheese wheel.

12-22-24: Went to this place called "Delia's instruments" right in the middle of the city center. The building is painted pink with green accents and the store logo and phone number are painted on the wall. Inside it's only a couple square meters and there's two employees, one of which has a two year old kid she brings to work. Aside from instrument accessories (they don't seem to sell actual instruments) there's a clothes rack and they sell posters too. When I go buy there, they always insist in throwing some free bracelet or necklace with my purchase. There's a separate exit door at the other side which leads into a mall parking lot, which is weird because the store isn't attached to a mall.

11-30-24: This random guy I supposedly knew from somewhere but that I actually don't know in real life at all was interviewing Stone from Pearl Jam in the back alley behind my house. Which is closed off and so narrow it barely fits one person in there, so I don't know how they did it.

11-26-24: I was making out with some girl in her house's bathroom. For some reason, the only way to get to her parents' bedroom was through that same bathroom. Her dad walked in, because he wanted to go to his room, and saw us, and while he didn't say anything about the homosexual activity, he accused me of wearing a wig for some reason.

11-13-24: My grandma opened the freezer, and told me "Sometimes children like to sleep here. If you ever make a career out of repairing fridges, always remember to check there's no one in the freezer" completely unprompted. I ignored her and went to play Candy Crush. There were Oreos scattered all over the floor.

11-5-24: The Pokémon games had spoken dialogue. I also dreamt that while you were walking on a specific town was a Voltorb using Rollout and it would roll across the screen and you had to avoid it. Anyway there was this NPC that just looked straight out of a fighting game, and when you got close to him he would shout "I AM ADAM THE PONDERER!!!!"

10-29-24: I visited my grandparents again but I had taken Akira with me for some reason and I was stressing out about how I was gonna take her on the bus back home with me for a ten hour ride. The sheer stress of thinking about that woke me up.

10-23-24: I was visiting this new mall and the food court was right at the main entrance and it was eerily silent like there was no music and no one was talking. All you could hear were the sounds of food being prepared and people's footsteps.

10-16-24: We were taking care of two cats: a very little orange kitty we named Matt and who we later found out was female but we kept the name, and a big fluffy old tortoiseshell who was still shy and not very trusting. Akira was annoyed with them.

10-9-24: I had made a new family in my sims game: a group of four 30something dudes trying to start a band and one of them had two kids. And they would regularly visit the next door neighbors to annoy them with fake noise complaints when they were the ones making noise all the time.

9-9-24: A burglar got into my house and I called the police, and all they did was crack a joke about it and the burglar only left when he overheard me saying it pissed me off that he wouldn't leave. Everyone I spoke to thought I was the crazy one for wanting him out of my house.

7-12-24: There was a horse in my room. It was going to eat my face.

(artist's interpretation)

5-25-24: I went to a boarding school where I felt like the only normal person there. They grouped us based on our zodiac signs, so there would be one fire sign, one water sign, one air sign and one earth sign per room. There was a frog that lived in the ceiling beams and occasionally jumped down and always landed on my neck. A lot of the students had brought alcohol and it just got confiscated by staff and later we found out they were all drinking it. We had this bitter rivalry with other rooms, to the point where one of my roommates would get angry at the rest of us for talking to people in other rooms. there was always a daily activity of some sort going on. My friend Tori was also there and was one of my roommates but we never got the chance to talk much except for when we used the sink to wash our hands or faces after activities. The dream ended with everyone going back home for spring break

5-22-24: I went on a "Red 50s" themed date at the mall (as in, you had to wear red 50s outfits and the place was all decorated red and retro) and my date and I were both wearing the same dress and she told me to change. I was like "nooooo we look cute! we're matching!" But she insisted so I went to the other stores at the mall to look for other things to wear, but everything was closed because it was 10pm. I ended up going back home instead of going to dinner with my date.

5-13-24: A meteor crashed right in front of my bed. The sound was extremely loud and it got extremely hot but it didn't kill me. It made a crater and sunk the floor a bit but it somehow didn't break through to downstairs. I went downstairs and told my mom a meteor crashed in my room and she didn't care.

3-31-24: This dream wasn't from my perspective weirdly enough, it was just kind of cinematic or something. Like the perspective was just a camera, there was this guy and a girl and they were walking down an alleyway laughing, they both looked like 80s movie protagonists. The guy wore a leather jacket and the girl wore a denim jacket, and she asked him out of nowhere "aren't peanuts peanuts?" but she pronounced the second peanuts as "pee-ah-nuts" and the guy replied, "I thought you weren't a nerd anymore".

2-2-24: I was reading a message board where someone sent a screenshot of a google search asking who was Alice In Chains' vocalist and the result said "William DuVall" and next to it it had a picture of the band's current lineup. They also sent the message "WHAT IS THIS???". I thought the original poster of the screenshot was about to whine about Layne Staley being replaced, but upon further inspection at the picture, I realized the faces of all of the band members had been replaced with Wario's face. Later on I found out this was a huge scandal, and that there was an AI that was being used by Google that replaced every person on the internet's face with Wario's.

1-25-24: I was sitting at some kind of hallway and I suddenly saw a magazine rack. I grabbed a magazine about metal and I started reading an article that claimed they had discovered a big secret about Lars Ulrich. The secret was apparently that his real name was Bruce. That was the whole dream.

1-16-24: My mom took me to a goth club that was this really old and dingy looking place on the outside but she said it was really exclusive and that you had to have a signature favorite song to enter but that she could get me in. So we got in and the bouncer was freakin Robert Smith and my mom proceeded to tell him my favorite song was The Cure's most popular one. I was so embarrassed because it was not true and it made me look like a poser but he didn't seem to have any problem with that and got me in the list. But it was 10 in the morning so we had to come back later for actual dancing.

12-31-23: I went to get pizza with this girl from college. At the pizza place there was this woman playing piano covers of random songs I liked and for some reason we were standing on the second floor of the mall the pizza place is located in instead of being at the pizza place in the ground floor. When the piano performance was over the woman disappeared and my friend and I went to get pizza but we were deciding which pizza to get until 2 AM. A bunch of other songs I liked were playing. I complimented the owner of the place on the music choice. I said "wow it's like you grabbed my playlist and just started blasting it on the speakers" (I wonder why)

10-28-23: My aunt was visiting me and I decided to tell her about the lore of my custom Sims 2 town. She said it was boring and asked me to go to the grocery store. When we arrived there was a drag convention there and various drag queens were walking around the store. She told me to go wild and to buy whatever I wanted. I went to get some burger buns but when I grabbed them they turned into hot dog buns and I screamed.

8-27-23: One of my Sims 2 families had come to life and they were supervising me while i was trapped in a college dorm in Austria and they were watching me while I tried to order an ice cream sandwich. I was nervous because I don't speak German. I had a family of eight in front of me in the line and they took so much time to order. I never got time to order my ice cream.

1-17-23: Someone made a Max Headroom Vtuber and everyone on Twitter and Tumblr was talking about it. I don't remember the specifics of this dream. The model was the actual character, not the creepy TV hijacking guy in a mask. Honestly I think this would be a pretty cool concept. Someone should do this irl.

1-2-23: Neil Cicierega sold Lemon Demon to Lil Nas X. That's all I remember but it was too funny to not share.

12-1-22: I was on and there were My Little Pony games there. Apparently Discord (the character) was on the loose and his real name was Andrew. There was a Weird Al song about it. I invited a bunch of my college buds over but we decided to meet up somewhere else because I live far away. We first played a game where we smashed a giant block of chalk against a wall until it broke into pieces. Then we got asked to make another block of chalk but we just left. I saw graffiti on the wall advertising some webseries. A bunch of guys were standing outside an apartment building holding signs that said "You're a creep" to some lady peeking out the second floor window, but we also found out that these guys were actors in that webseries the graffiti was advertising, what they were doing was a skit for it, and that the lady was in on the bit.

11-27-22: I was walking with this friend of mine and getting to class, and when we got there she left and this other girl from my class asked me if she and I were dating. I said no and she was like "oh would you like to date me instead" and I thought she was joking so I said yes. I immediately realized she was being serious and regretted it. After that we walked out and went to the nearby theater, and everyone was hitting cops with water balloons so we joined. When they got hit they just kinda disappeared so news outlets started reporting we were killing them. after that I woke up.

10-27-22: I was babysitting for some reason, and some kid threw up on my hair. And I was like "well time to cut it I guess". And then I cut it really choppily and dyed it blue. But then I decided I didn't like the blue so I went over it with orange. But then, after having an hour long phone call, it was blue again. It was the worst dye job in the world but I didn't really care. I woke up but fell asleep again cuz I saw it was 7 AM.

10-5-22: Weird Al was my taxi driver and he gave me life advice. I had bought a bottle of bleach and the label changed so it would have his face on it. He talked about how people nowadays are so used to having something in their pockets that when they don't have anything on their pockets it makes them anxious. A flip phone materialized on my front pocket right after he said that and his presence alone made the world around us work on cartoon logic. Shit started getting all wacky and stuff. The world looked like the part in the Dare to Be Stupid music video where he gets hit by a car in a colorful drawing of a city. I woke up at 2 am to write this one down, and fell asleep again and had another dream I didn't write down.

9-4-22: I was out on town with some buds and it got really dark so we were running home. At some point when we got to another part of town it wasn't dark anymore. A girl I went to high school with saw me while driving and offered me a ride. I got in the car but later on I realized she was going in the complete opposite direction and she ended up dropping me off near a bus station. A guy there started being creepy towards me so I punched him. People got mad at me because that guy was some sort of beloved icon in that part of town. People started thinking I had killed him. I ran off and later I was playing with a picrew and I saw a tumblr post that was like "don't play with that picrew the creator killed someone" and I somehow knew they were referring to me even if I didn't create it or kill anyone. I realized the easiest way to get back home without being framed for murder would be to wake up, so I woke up.

8-31-22: I was watching some show/movie (it was unclear) about a very strict summer camp and some guy and his gf somehow get the chance to run it and make it cool, much to the owner's dismay. Apparently all the kids were under very heavy surveillance and had trackers on their uniforms and shit like that. After a while, the guy and his gf made an effort to make the camp "cool", allowing the kids to customize their uniforms and generally allowing them to be kids yknow? And the last scene I remember was some of the older kids (who were now sentient basketballs, idk why, don't ask) having a big rap battle.

7-20-22: I was desperately walking downtown searching for ten bucks, because bus fare was ten bucks for some reason. I panicked a lot, and apparently people were filming me and they uploaded my freakout to Youtube. I started having a mental breakdown about it when this guy from class came up to me, and showed me the videos. I got so angry I stole ten bucks from him and left on a bus. I fell asleep on the bus, and when I woke up in a white room. I looked around and I found out was in therapy with Rob Cantor. He was not my therapist, he was getting therapy with me for some reason. I don't know why it was him of all people. I'm only a casual listener of his stuff.

7-05-22: There's this recurring location that's been appearing in my dreams lately. It's like, this baroque style building in the middle of town and in it are a bunch of businesses that all have kind of the same name. There's "Gloria's baking emporium", "Troy's baking emporium", "Jason's baking emporium" among others. I keep having dreams where I have to drop off one of my friends in that building. She always says she lives there, and when I drive off I can see the other side of the building which contains even more of these "baking emporiums"

6-17-22: There was a new variety of plantain, except you peeled it down and it was spaghetti. It was called the "Bus" and was specifically not available in California. Later on, I found out mentos came in liquid form. I had to give some to some monkey who was just vibing next to me, but I gave it to myself instead. I drank it from a syringe for some reason. Idk.

4-23-22: They Might Be Giants was going to perform Fingertips on my college campus. Just Fingertips. I spent the days leading up to the show getting prepared and jogging a lot so I could get fast and get to campus on time. The day of the show I arrived on campus at 9am, but was told it was gonna be in the afternoon. I waited a lot and woke up before I was able to see them.

6-13-21: I was back in school and there was a new girl who I liked. She was very mean to me but I still was head over heels in love with her. At some point she was hanging out with her friend who playfully shoved her as a joke, I got angry and punched them. She got mad at me.

4-22-21: I lost my bag, and I ended up finding it but my phone was missing. I found this random person's phone instead. I went to confront them and they laughed in my face, and lost my bag again. I found out I was living inside a drawing and the bag layer kept getting hidden just to mess with me.

4-1-20: I lived in a apartment. The building was in the middle of nowhere, which was in the middle of a desert. I went on Discord to tell my friends. One of my friends had a Discord status that said "It's pronounced- you're responsible for several OSHA violations"

10-20-19: I had a pet ant. I was looking for a specific book, but she had it. so I took it away from her and gave her another one. She turned into a slug because she was snobbish and had already read that book. I got scared of her slug form and gave her the books she wanted back. My mom fed her corn and she turned into a chicken.