4-13-22: tfw ur visit gets cut short
I was in drawing class, and it lasted about 5 hours or so. We didn't do much, but my friends kept telling me about insanely personal detaild about their lives for some reason. Idk what that was about. After the class was over, I went to this dimly lit, dingy antique store to go thrifting, and I found a very specific sweater with TVs on it. (I'll attach a picture later). I spent a few hours browsing the shop, and looking at stuff. They had a weird amount of towels.
After that, I visited my friend's house. She lives a few towns away, but she lived in the city center in this dream. She lived in an apartment in front of a park. She said she was not allowed to have people over, and as soon as I arrived she told me I needed to leave. I started hearing her family talk.
I had to sneak around the apartment in order to leave, for some reason. I eventually managed to get to the elevator, but it had no door. I got in anyway. It was trippy to see in between the floors, I wish I could see that irl.
When I got out of the apartment building my grandparents were waiting for me in a clown car, and they had a bunch of groceries stacked on the roof. When I got home, I decided to browse through the Sims Wiki. Apparently there were some sims in The Sims 3 based off Teen Girl Squad, specifically one based on Whats-Her-Face. She had a lesbian mom. I woke up after that and got sad that a sim like that wasn't real.