6-18-24: more weird malls

I was at the store about to enter and buy some meat when I saw a bunch of guys in suits talk about business stuff at the front door. I overheard them talk about expanding along the state, but they kept referring to my state as 'Carly'. Not what it's called. I stood there overhearing the conversation and turned around to leave. John Frusciante bumped into me, apologized in perfect spanish, and kept walking. I stood there freaking out and trying to process what happened because the mental image of him speaking perfect spanish in my accent was honestly quite jarring. I wanted to ask what the fuck he was doing in my city but he had already entered the store so I left.

After that, I was in some sort of road trip with my uncle but neither of the fun ones. My other one who used to be the fun young one and then got married and became ultra religious. We stopped by some random plaza in the mountains and he told me this was better than going to the beach. We sorta stood there for a while and then I turned around and found out there was beach nearby. I was going to go but my uncle said no so we went back to the car.

After that we were in my old house and the fridge was full of gummy candy but we didn't have much else. I went to grab handfuls of candy and my uncle told me I couldn't and I was like "oh come on man you're so lame I am literally an adult" and went outside to that beach portion I saw earlier. When I got there some assorted classmates were vibing, all staring at this random guy with long hair who was sitting on a fence. Suddenly another random person with dark long hair with a blue streak came up to him, grabbed him by the hand and they both took off running into the boardwalk.

I went to follow them and I ended up inside a mall. I was looking at the stores, most of them were closed and the mall itself was poorly lit. I grabbed a fortune cookie from a random counter and kept on walking. I turned at some point and found the two long haired people petting a dog. It was one of those white bull terriers. I kept walking and found my favorite pizza place. I entered and the same business people from the beginning were there. This local metal band I saw last year were scheduled to play so I sat down and ordered a pizza. the two long haired people entered the place soon after and got a table. I never ended up talking to them but I wish I had, because they looked my age and cool.