6-2-24: bunch of trips

Mom and I were on vacation staying at these cabins, and we were in a common area in the campsite (? we were at and she recognized a group of guys around my age. She went up to one of them in particular, he had a buzz cut that was starting to grow out, pierced ears, light skin and light brown hair and he was dressed in a baggy shirt and shorts. I went over to the rest of his group who were all standing in a circle talking, there were four of them but I don't remember their appearances, it's very possible they were all clones of the first guy. Anyway, my mom started trying to set the first guy up with me and then he loudly proclaimed he was gay.

The rest of the guys threw their hands in the air and were like "WOOOOO YEAH" and then the one guy came back to the circle, my mom walked away and I said "it's okay she doesn't know her daughter is a lesbian" and they all started cheering even louder and I got accepted into their circle. Then I found out this guy lived in my neighborhood, so we became friends and said we were going to hang out once our vacations were over.

Then my dream morphed into a different dream I had a long time ago, where I was with one of my high school classmates and we had to escape this one government building, but we couldn't use the front door and we had to do stupid puzzles to steal a car and exit using the garage in the back. We got to a courtyard on the back and there was only one room left before we could get to the garage and we started arguing over something stupid. There were a bunch of labeled doors but instead we just kept running forward and we found a black sports car on the garage, but as I got inside the sream started changing into something else again.

I had another dream that was very fun but despite being the last one I remember it the least. But anyway, a bunch of my classmates and I were at some sort of activity center doing various things. It had both a pool and a beach, there was a treehouse, lots of artificial grass and stuff like that. There were other people I've never seen before that my brain made up, but I was still like "Yup, my high school and college classmates. All of them together at last". I remember sitting by the pool watching this one girl swim and a bunch of other people joined me, one of them was Bob Ross for some reason. One of my high school friends sat beside me and told me I had good wrists, not sure how he'd measure the goodness of a wrist, but I had good wrists.