2007 (Age 4)
It's very small but it is a drawing of me
2008 (Age 5)
The MS Paint era

2009 (Age 6)
Powerpoint art

2012 (Age 9)
The start of the Straight Hair Years

2013 (Age 10)
Yes, that's my MLP pony-sona

2014 (Age 11)
Only 1 surviving specimen
2016 (Age 13)
Back to digital, but also when I made weekly comics about my life

2017 (Age 14)
Please don't judge me for what these images say I am a changed woman now

2018 (Age 15)
The end of the Straight Hair Years. I also got my drawing tablet

2019 (Age 16)
Taking art more seriously

2020 (Age 17)
Side profiles...

2021 (Age 18)
The lineless year

2022 (Age 19)
The bold lines year

2023 (Age 20)
So tired and you can tell

2024 (Age 21)
The front facing year. Because I can't draw anything else anymore

Why document these, you may ask? I don't know, I've always liked drawing myself. I like drawing but I'm not creative at all, so I mostly draw things from real life. And that means I draw myself a lot, because I spend 100% of my time with myself. It's also a fun way to look back at my childhood and teenage years now that I'm growing up and out of that phase. I promise I have better "biggest idols" now, lmao. When I was 13 I started making comics about my life, which meant I started drawing myself a lot. If I could I'd post more of them, but I don't own a scanner and they're honestly quite nasty and mean-spirited, because I was angry and sad and thirteen. After a couple years I stopped making them, and instead pivoted to drawing myself a bit more realistically as practice. After graduating high school and going to university I basically burnt out and I haven't drawn as much lately, and now I can only reminisce about my old art. But I do that a lot already, as you can see I try to never get rid of my art that's on paper, because I've lost so so so much digital art. These drawings remind me of the weird kid I used to be. (Not that I stopped being weird. I'm just an adult now.) And how the world treated me so horribly and art was one of my only escapes. I wanted to show it off in a timeline form. But I guess the real reason is: The idea for this page came to me in the shower and I thought it would be really fun to put together. And it was!