Welcome to my lookbook!! I love fashion and dressing up, it makes me feel very cool. Here are some of the outfits I've put together when I feel like dressing up.
I do mix and match many of these clothing pieces on the regular but these are the variations I like the most. I'm not a cartoon character so obviously my wardrobe is not limited to these outfits (I do wear my fair share of just graphic tees and regular cut jeans) but these are the ones that I feel are worth sharing. Click on the pictures for my thoughts on each outfit as well as better pics of the small accessories.
Can you tell my favorite color is yellow?

This is one of my favorite outfits as of late. I like the way it makes me look, plus wearing a tie is cool. It clashes with the pattern of the shirt, but that's what I'm going for.
I like to wear these dangly orange earrings with this outfit. They get a little lost in between my dyed hair and the yellow shirt, but in a way they're also like the halfway point between both colors. I wear my sunglasses with this outfit when I go out as well.

This one's probably the simplest one. It's just a V-neck, corduroy shorts, and a hat. But I like it a lot, it's comfy and stylish enough. Minus the shoes, I don't really have a pair that fits this outfit. I do love the gay socks though.
I made these star earrings myself out of glow-in-the-dark stars. Sorry these pictures kinda suck. This knitted hat was a gift from a family member.

I like this outfit, but I feel it makes me look younger than I am. I guess it's because all of these clothing pieces are kind of oversized. But it's fine. That's why I wear the boots, that way I'll look a bit taller. This button-up is one of my favorites, it's a very googie-like design.
These hoops went MIA when I was taking the accessory pictures, so you get a close-up of them from a cropped selfie. Fun fact: these glow in the dark.

I call this one the "PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT MY FAVORITE BAND PLEASE" outfit. These wide-leg pants are my favorite pair of pants. I wear my They Might Be Giants tee in the hopes that someone will ask me what my shirt is about because I'm lame like that. I also wear this with a brown beanie, especially now that I have red hair.
Nothing too flashy with the earrings, just these oval hoops. And again, the beanie. It's my favorite beanie.

This one's probably the most casual. This lion shirt was the first button-up shirt I bought. I got it at the flea market one time, and it's super comfy. It's from the 80s according to the people I bought it from.
I love this hat, it has a little dinosaur saying "HI BABY" (It's hard to capture on camera). I found the cube earrings in the back of a closet in my house, so I took them for myself.