
Name: Glixmorploplix
Pronouns: Technically none, but uses They/Them for convenience.
Born: 2113, Xix'Dreeria, Rigel System
Height: 98cm (3'2")
Notable Features: Eyes are slightly longer than species average
Occupation: Jack Of All Trades

Gli'x is a member of a species of slug-like bipedal creatures from the Rigel star system, whose space exploration department seeks out knowledge about other species in the galaxy and their customs. Gli'x is part of an exchange program, in which young members of the species are sent off to nearby star systems.
They're 323 seasons old which is extremely young by their species' standards, who usually live to 5000 seasons. Being one of the youngest participants of the program was nerve wracking at first, and they spent their first weeks on the station following their rulebook to a T, but as time went on and they kept exploring new things they began to relax a bit more. They're eager to learn, applying for random new jobs around the station every week. They're a decent mechanic and enthusiastic about plants, working so they can finally get a job at the botany department.
Even though they've found it a little hard to adapt to human customs, the station has provided them with the necessary accessibility and dietary accommodations so their stay is as comfortable as can be. They're stationed on the Terran space station for 3 Earth years, and they plan to make the most of it.

