A mad scientist with a penchant for the dramatic, Hector was born into a very normal family in the very normal suburbs. He spent his early days messing with chemistry kits and setting bugs on fire with a magnifying glass. Despite his insatiable drive to learn about the way things work, he was never a particularly bright student.

Homeschooled until the age of 17, he never got too much of a chance to develop his social skills. But he made up for it with his knowledge of chemistry and mechanics. Despite getting plenty of scholarships from various universities, he declined all of them and left his home to live in a shack in the woods, which proved to be a terrible idea given that his experiments tend to be highly inflammable.

After escaping a bad house fire, he relocated into the big city at the age of 22 and got a job at a chemical manufacturer, which was great for him and his wacky experiments. He had one clear goal in mind, and that was to become the greatest evil mastermind the city had ever seen. Why? He didn't know really. He didn't exactly have any vendetta against anyone, or a terrible backstory- his upbringing wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either. He just figured moonlighting as a supervillain would be the best career path for him.

At some point he got a gnarly chemical burn on his face while on the job. It was a very lame accident, so every time someone asks him about the scar now he invents a new backstory for it. He quit his day job at the age of 28 after getting into trouble when his higher-ups started noticing his strange behavior. He got arrested after getting caught dumping toxic waste into the river, although he eventually escaped prison a few weeks later and relocated again.

Now, depressed and admittedly burnt out, he takes on small coding projects on the internet for a living and never goes outside, until some weird-looking guy broke into his house. He wanted to use the guy as a human test subject until he found out he wasn't human. At least this guy brought him a challenging machine to repair, so he finally has something going on for a change.


Name: Hector Quinn
Nicknames: None
Age: 32
Birthday: March 7th, 1987
Pronouns: He/They
Height: 5'8
Species: Human
Occupation: Scientist

They're thinking about retiring altogether, despite being so young.
They have a good memory, being able to remember the exact location of every item in their house.
They haven't talked to their parents since they left their house.
They're trans, and medically transitioned with the help of other scientists they met.
Sometimes they still think about the other man they met while at the manufacturing plant, who they caught stealing a few chemicals.
They won't admit it, but the presence of another person in their home has helped their mental health.