On the day of a regional holiday we don't celebrate, my family and I went to spend the day at the mountains. I got woken up at 6 am and we went going at 7:30. We ended up arriving at 9, almost 10 am. It was cold in the early morning and I was shaking and shivering. That made me want to check my weather app to see the temperature and it was 17C/63F, which made me realize that if I ever go to another country I wouldn't survive the winter.
We sat down on a hill and a dog came up to us. He was very friendly and asked us for belly rubs.
I took this picture of him but that made him run off, I guess he's camera shy.
After that, we ate some carrot cake my mom had made the night before and it was very good. After that we went exploring the nearby shops and my family got some coffee. I'm not a coffee drinker, so I just kinda stood there. The store next door sold kites and other similar things and they played Guns N' Roses and Slipknot on the speakers.

We went further down the hill and just kinda sat there for like five hours. That was kind of the whole point of the trip, it's one of those places where you hike for a little bit and then you just sit around doing fuck all and enjoying the view. I went on a couple walks along the way, because I enjoy people watching and by the time the clock hit 11 more people started arriving. Many people were flying kites and sliding down the hills on pieces of cardboard and I made a mental note to bring my own cardboard should I ever come back to this place because it seemed extremely fun. Mom also took a lot of pictures of me, which was very fun.

At lunchtime we went to this nearby restaurant. We had some pretty good soup and for dessert we got a cup of strawberries and cream.

I also saw this at the restaurant. I thought it was cool, it was so textured.
We went back to the spot on the hill we were on and I laid down on the grass and listened to my music. I dozed off for a while and I woke up to Like A Surgeon by Weird Al on my headphones and got scared and confused for a moment. It was a nice lil nap.

At 3 pm we went back home and arrived at 6 pm. It was nice, if a bit unremarkable, but overall a good start to what I hope is a travel-filled year.