My mom, uncle, aunt and I went to the beach on the 19th of May. Super fun! I hadn't been to the beach since 2021, and I love the beach, so I was very excited.
We woke up at 4 am because the bus arrived at 5. My uncle organized the trip so he rented a mini bus or something and invited a bunch of other random ass people I don't know and will never see again but whatever. We got ready and went to my uncle's house because the bus would pick us up there. I of course had my best tourist white man outfit on. (Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts and baseball cap)
The trip was okay, the other people were loud and annoying but I didn't really care because I had my earbuds on. My mom told me they were driving her insane though, and pretty much all of them made the driver stop in the middle of this road full of palm trees to take pictures. It's a popular picture-taking spot, but it's literally the middle of the road.
Anyway, we got to the beach at 9 am, found a spot in the shade and just chilled for a while. I later decided to get into the water because that's what I like to do at the beach. Just sit there in the water. Because I can't swim but I love being in there. It was full of rocks though :/ We really had to watch our step, but I was fine.
I basically spent the whole day alternating between being in the water and sitting by the shore. At 12pm mom and I got out and ate some cold pizza which was absolute torture because I hate eating cold food. But I powered through. Then we got back in the water.
We overheard random strangers talking about random stuff, avoided volleyballs, avoided being hit by other people, avoided being splashed, avoided the waves, all the fun water activities you do when you can't swim.
Mom and I ate some Doritos at 2:30, we got in the water til 3:15, after that we went and hit the showers which were absolutely nightmarish, and then at 4 we all went back to the bus. Trip was over!
Bus ride back home was even more annoying because everyone else was tipsy and sunburnt and in discomfort. But it was all fine. We got back home at like 8 pm.
So yeah this was a short one, but still fun! Not very remarkable to talk about, but very fun to experience. I didn't take many pictures because there was a lot of people and it felt really awkward to take pictures and having a bunch of strangers in them. Especially since I'm putting them here. So have these pictures of palm trees and shit!