My uncle organized another trip to the beach on the first of September, which was fun. Well, to be honest with you, I wasn't too excited for it. August was awful and my mood was really bad. Plus we had had a national power outage on the 30th and that fucked me up. I kept thinking to myself I don't deserve to be enjoying myself at the beach having fun when so many people my age and younger are being wrongfully incarcerated and tortured in my country. But I'll be honest. If I keep having this mentality, I won't be living my life. I'm sorry, but I can't free protesters from prison. As much as I'd like to, it's not something I can do. I can't oust my country's government. So I suppose I can at least take care of my wellbeing by going on a little 1-day vacation. So I reluctantly went.

The bus picked us up at 3 am. The ride was AWFUL! The seats were super uncomfortable for starters, and they had these annoying ass disco lights. AND, worst of all, the music was unfathomably loud. AT 3 IN THE MORNING. I had earbuds, but the music from the bus COMPLETELY drowned it out. We'll come back to this later. Miraculously somehow, I managed to fall asleep halfway through the bus ride. We arrived at the pier at 7 am.

We were going to a little island a few kilometers off the coast, so we had to ride in a speed boat. It was so fun! A bit scary, but ultimately sooo fun. We arrived at the beach, rented an umbrella and some chairs, and sat for a bit. I was still feeling like shit, so I decided to put on my earbuds and sleep for a while to make time go by faster. I woke up again at like, 10:50, and by then I was feeling a little better.

Anyway, I got in the water after a while, and it was amazing, it was warm, had a good depth, and there weren't any rocks or coral like at the last beach I visited. The sand was nice too. The only really annoying thing about the beach was that it was PACKED. WITH. PEOPLE. ANNOYING DRUNK PEOPLE WITH NO REGARD FOR THEIR ENVIRONMENT. Sorry, I don't judge smokers, but if you're smoking a cigarette INSIDE THE WATER, and then throw the cigarette butt IN THE WATER, I think everyone at the beach should beat you up. Fish live there dawg. Can't you smoke on the ground? Come on. You're lucky enough to live in a place with gorgeous gorgeous beaches and you're gonna ruin that? You're a piece of shit.

Anyway. Around noon I got out of the water to eat some cake. I hate eating cold food, and food that's been sitting in a container for a while, so mom and I resorted to making carrot cake for me to eat. No icing though. It was super good. I got back in the water and my uncle decided to reveal to us that HE asked the bus drivers to turn the annoying music up to a hundred earlier on the bus. I was so fucking angry man. I was like "oh my god. I'm going to kill you." Like I can't accurately express with words how pissed off I was. He said he would tell the bus drivers to turn it down for the return trip.

Around this time, it started raining, and my mom and I got out of the water. I stood in the rain for a while so the salt water would wash off me. I joked that we didn't have to hit the showers anymore. I wandered around the island a little bit, and found out there was a lagoon at the back of it. The lagoon water was warmer than the sea water, but I didn't get in. I just walked some more. After a while, I said "eh, screw it" and got back to the shore. I got inside the water once more which was honestly pretty awesome.

Someone decided to have a gender reveal on the dock. I think gender reveals are stupid, but you do you. This one being so public was really funny, because they popped a balloon, something blue came out, and every single guy on a 2km radius started cheering. It was honestly a highlight, it was so funny to me.

At 3:30 pm, we went back to the mainland on another speedboat. This ride was scarier than the first because the water was a bit more turbulent. Y'know, because of the rain and shit. But it was still a fun shot of adrenaline. Because we were in a city, and not inside a national park, we were able to wander off into the streets to find showers. These people who live close to the beach decided to build showers in their yard and charge people $1 to use them. They're the nicest beach showers I've used. Props to these people. Plus they were very nice and kind to us. I was telling my mom I had a grey hair, and this lady who was on the trip with us, who I barely consider an acquaintance, barged in to say "YOU HAVE A GREY HAIR! HOW TERRIBLE!" Tone is difficult to convey over text, but she said it 100% genuinely. She really thought me having one (1) grey hair at 21 was awful. And I was like "Yeah I hope I get many of them ACTUALLY. I'm not going to dye them at all, ACTUALLY." To see if she would stop getting into my conversations with my mom. I don't know. That pissed me off. I hate conforming to these beauty standards that make no sense.

After that we got in the bus again. My uncle fucking lied to us. The music was just as annoying and loud as in the 3am trip. I can die happy without ever hearing an electro-merengue song again in my fucking life. Oh my god I was so angry. I tried falling asleep again, which I did for a little bit. After like 2 hours, the music changed to softer 90s pop and rock. Mom and I were delighted and we spent that portion of the trip talking about the music. But after a while it changed back to more music I don't like. Like, it was still 90s-2000s pop rock, but the kind that I don't like. Anyway. We got home at 8 pm. I had a very nice tan.

I think if it hadn't rained I wouldn't have enjoyed the trip as much as I ended up doing. That's really what made me feel better. I don't know man. Here's some pictures I took.