Hi! I'm the webmaster! My name is Ale, I'm 21 years old and I study art in college! I started this website when I was 15, almost 16. It's just a fun way to leave a little piece of myself in the digital world! So it's been kinda growing alongside me.
I enjoy everything retro, from music to fashion, decor and architecture. I like kitschy things, campy TV and movies, but most of all I love listening to music! I like pretty much everything from the 70s to the 90s. Mostly rock, metal, new wave, power pop, ska, disco and funk, but i try to dabble in a little bit of everything.
My favorite bands are
They Might Be Giants, Sparks, Pearl Jam, Judas Priest, DEVO, Mother Love Bone, The B-52s, Bikeride, Metallica, Kraftwerk, Parliament/Funkadelic, The Aquabats, Oingo Boingo, Primus, Soundgarden, of Montreal, and a bunch more. You can take a look at my
last.fm if you want!
English is not my first language, but I've been learning since I was four years old, so I like to think I'm fluent enough. (Music helped me a lot!! That's why I listen to so much music in English). I kind of like to keep my online self and real life self separate, so I move in English speaking internet circles. No one from real life finds me, and I'll never see anyone from the internet in real life. My native language is Spanish, and I live in Venezuela. It's really cool here, I wouldn't want to leave forever. I just hate all the politicians who fucked everything up :(
I love fashion and dressing in different kinds of styles, but I usually lean more feminine and retro. I had a period of time as a teen in which I experimented with a more masculine presentation, but ultimately I decided it wasn't really my thing, at least not in the way I was doing it. I still dabble in some more masculine looks from time to time, but I've let my hair grow out a little and I'm not afraid of dressing more girly with a more feminine silhouette. I like wearing red lipstick and big earrings, bellbottom jeans and button-up shirts.
Gender is fake anyway, do what you want. People change and flow and all the different versions of you and your style are and were important to your growth and life journey. That's my advice for everyone.
Speaking of clothes, I like making my own! I know how to sew and make clothing. You can check out my sewing progress
here. I also know how to draw and knit. That's basically my skillset... I've been trying to learn to play guitar for the past 11 years but I'm not disciplined with it so I don't know anything... I've been thinking about selling both my guitars and get a bass guitar instead. But I don't know.
My favorite color is yellow. I also like olive green, orange, violet and blue. I love talking walks through the city, I love cooking, I love creating characters in my head and thinking of their stories (but I suck at writing, so they mostly stay in my head). I like drawing and going to the beach, and I also enjoy sitting on the computer doing nothing productive, LOL. A guilty pleasure of mine is seeking out and reading bad fan fiction so I can have a laugh.
I'm a Taurus, I don't believe in astrology but it's really funny to me how much of a stereotypical Taurus I am. I'm lazy, hedonistic and stubborn. Leo moon and Aquarius rising. Again I don't really believe in this stuff, but one day I looked up my chart out of curiosity. I am a very curious person. Plus I think personality quizzes are fun, even if I don't really take the results too seriously.